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Our strategy at Roy. can be summed up in one sentence: We invest in our employees to deliver a memorable client experience. Full stop.

Roy. only selects the very best employees on the market by hiring

only 3.4% of applicants monthly.

We strive on revolutionizing the worl of commercial cleaning by 2034. How do we get there? We invest in our people in order to deliver memorable operational excellence, because we fundamentally believe that a happy employee performs better and contributes to the influence of the company among our customers.

Our distinctions

And Many More!

Roy.’s quality assurance

Roy.’s dedication to providing professional and high-quality commercial cleaning services is demonstrated through the application of various policies, including the Quality Policy stating that Roy. is committed to:

  • Assessing every client’s needs
  • Understanding client needs and making sure they are met
  • Offering a fair price for the services required
  • Delivering meticulous and prompt services based on the Roy. Method
  • Using the appropriate tools to ensure that services provided are consistent with contractual requirements
  • Complying with the equipment and machinery maintenance policy
  • Complying with the environmental management and sustainability policy

Roy.’s HR policies

To ensure quality service and provide a healthy and safe work environment for our 2,800 employees, Roy. is committed to implementing the following HR policies:

  • Staff evaluation policy
  • Training and skills development policy
  • Workplace discrimination and harassment policy
  • Employee health and safety policy

Our values



The desire to work together and create strong connections



The fortitude to overcome challenges and the strength of character to work hard



The powerful and modest ability to be real, without artifice



The capacity to quickly take action and solve issues before they become problems

Roy.’s promise

Our unique value proposition distinguishes us from the competition and has sealed our reputation of excellence since 1954.

  • We have the best humans.
  • We offer the best service.
  • We are the best partner.

All for a better world.

Growth strategy

Roy.’s strategy can be summed up in a single sentence: We invest in our people to deliver a memorable operational experience.

  • Employee onboarding
  • Training courses and skills development
  • Top employer culture

A dedicated client area to serve you better

In line with our goal of developing lasting relationships with our clients, this dedicated space is teeming with contract-related documentation, practical tools and useful links to communicate quickly and effectively with our teams in the field. Another reason to entrust your building’s commercial cleaning to the teams at Roy.

The environment: our priority

since 2003

Roy. was the first in the industry to go green. Our teams are working hard to implement tangible solutions to protect the environment through the creation of an environmental management and sustainability policy.

  • We encourage the use of ECOLOGO and Green Seal certified products.
  • We use bulk-size, concentrated products to reduce our plastic consumption.
  • Our toilet paper and paper towel supplies are made of recycled materials.
  • Part of our vehicle fleet is electric to reduce our C02 emissions.
07 Romain Thibault 3830

Romain Thibault

Training Instructor

Roy. Campus

Employee training at the heart of our reputation for excellence

To attract and retain the best employees in the industry, we focus on creating training paths, targeting both know-how and soft skills, developing our leaders’ expertise and providing our recruits with basic technical training as they join the team. We have always believed that the best way to ensure operational excellence is to invest in our workforce.

A program to support the post-secondary education of the children of our employees.

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Roy. Studies, REEE and scholarships

Amid an unprecedented labor shortage, compounded by a global health crisis, Roy. innovates once again in terms of attracting and retaining talent. It is with immense pride that Roy. launches a new program for all of its employees: Roy. Studies. REEE AND SCHOLARSHIPS

Like Mr. Guy Roy, the founder of Roy. in 1954, Julie Roy wanted to extend her grandfather's mission and hoped to have a positive and lasting impact on people's lives. With Roy. Studies. REEE AND SCHOLARSHIPS, we think like the great Nelson Mandela: Education is our most powerful weapon to change the world!

Thank you to our customers, through their renewed confidence, for contributing to the education of our future generations!


This shutter of Roy. Education promises to pay an annual allowance into all Registered Education Savings Plans for children 0-12 years of age of our employees, from housekeeping attendants to operations supervisors.


This second component aims to encourage three post-secondary studies projects submitted to a selection committee made up of employees from the head office and in the field. Three scholarships will be awarded annually for children aged 12-25, from our employees who have presented distinctive post-secondary studies projects to the selection committee. The three scholarships will be awarded for:

The 3 categories available for scholarships are:

1. THE PERFORMANCE SCHOLARSHIP: An amount of $ 5,000 will be awarded for the excellence of your child's academic record.

2. THE INNOVATION SCHOLARSHIP: An amount of $ 5,000 will be awarded to a student wishing to study in an innovative field, with an atypical background.

3. THE COMMITMENT SCHOLARSHIP: an amount of $ 5,000 will be paid to a student with a study project that would have a significant impact in his community.

Congratulations to our 3 recipients for the 2022 edition!

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