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Come to work with Romain, a training instructor at Roy.

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Meet Romain Thibault, a proud member of the Roy. team since 1981. This seasoned Roy. trainer is in charge of welcoming and training new employees in the basics of cleaning. Armed with his expert advice, fresh recruits can approach their new jobs at Roy. with confidence.

Romain shares with us :

  • His career path at Roy.
  • The skills it takes to do well at Roy.
  • What he loves about his work
  • Advice for a future Roy. employee
  • What Roy. means to him

Romain, loyal to the job since 1981

Romain has spent most of his professional life at Roy. He has developed his skills in various positions through 40 years of loyal service, becoming the talented trainer he is today.

Over the years he has been a cleaner, special projects manager, team manager, and supervisor. His extensive and varied experience allowed him to learn the trade well, and he now shares his knowledge as head of training at Roy. Campus. He is especially pleased with the position because he enjoys training the next generation of commercial cleaners.

They don’t call him Yoda for nothing!

Humane, rewarding work

In his adventures at Roy., Romain has had to adapt to multiple work environments.

Romain recalls his experience as leader of a small team at a seniors’ residence. He liked this position a lot, as he got to know some of the residents quite well.

I really liked it, I felt close to them. I enjoyed taking care of the seniors’ rooms.

Romain also pointed out the many opportunities for professional development at Roy. That’s one of the things he appreciates the most, since routine isn’t his thing. When the opportunity arises, he doesn’t hesitate to take on a new challenge.

“There are ways to move up in the company, but you need to know the reality in the field before you can climb the ladder.”

What skills does it take to be a good employee at Roy.?

Romain feels that it doesn’t take a specific skill or education level to do well in a job as a Roy. cleaner.

New recruits learn the basics of the trade in courses taught by Romain and his colleagues at the Roy. Campus. In the field is where employees truly learn the trade and develop their skills, Romain says.

He highlights the importance of punctuality when it comes to completing the work on time. He jokes:

“It’s physical work, you have to be in good shape in the field. You don’t have to get a gym membership, we pay to keep you in shape!”

Why does Romain love working at Roy.?

According to Romain, cleaning’s main advantage is job stability: there has always been a need for cleaners and there will always be.

“I’ve worked here for 40 years, always had a job and always got paid right on time.”

Independence is another advantage of the cleaning trade, Romain feels.

“At first, when you’re on the job, a supervisor stays close to check your work. But once they trust you, you can work pretty independently during your shifts.”

Romain says special weekend projects at Roy. are a great opportunity to break routine. Also, they’re usually larger projects where you learn a lot, because you work with specialized equipment.

“People think of cleaning as just pushing a broom but it’s much more than that. Commercial cleaning is a specialty.”

Advice for a future Roy. employee.

Romain is clear on this one: communicate! At first, when everything is new, the work is physically demanding. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Your co-workers and leaders are there to help you. We are a team.

Roy. has a Facebook group called Planète Roy. for employees to talk about their wins, challenges, and things they’ve learned. This forum helps the Roy. community find answers to questions and stay up to date with company news, while also offering everyone a chance to participate in different contests and events.

What Roy. means to Romain

“I’ve spent my working life here, if I didn’t like the company, I would have left. The organization has always listened to me , always helped out when I had any problems. There’s a kind of family spirit that’s been there since day one. They made me feel valued, even when I was just starting out as an employee. I was there at the very beginning and have stayed for 40 years. Ever since the grandfather who started the business, management has always gotten to know the people here. I’m proud to work at Roy.”

Build your career at Roy.

Taking care of our people is at the heart of our strategy at Roy. We’re well aware that happy employees in the field are the key to memorable customer service.